


Papers (first author)

Onoda K, Yamaguchi S. 2015 Dissociative contributions of the anterior cingulate cortex to apathy and depression: Topological evidence from resting-state functional MRI. Neuropsychologia. 2015 Jul 31;77:10-18.

Onoda K, Yamaguchi S. Revision of the Cognitive Assessment for Dementia, iPad version (CADi2). PLoS One. 2014 Oct 13;9(10):e109931.

Onoda K, Yamaguchi S. Small-worldness and modularity of the resting-state functional brain network decrease with aging. Neurosci Lett. 2013 Nov 27;556:104-8.

Onoda K, Hamano T, Nabika Y, Aoyama A, Takayoshi H, Nakagawa T, Ishihara M, Mitaki S, Yamaguchi T, Oguro H, Shiwaku K, Yamaguchi S. 2013 Validation of a new mass screening tool for cognitive impairment: Cognitive Assessment for Dementia, iPad version. Clin Interv Aging. 8:353-60.

Onoda K, Ishihara M, Yamaguchi S. 2012 Decreased functional connectivity by aging is associated with cognitive decline. J Cogn Neurosci, 24(11):2186-98.

Onoda K, Okamoto Y, Kunisato Y, Aoyama S, Shishida K, Okada G, Tanaka SC, Schweighofer N, Yamaguchi S, Doya K, Yamawaki S. (2011) Inter-individual discount factor differences in reward prediction are topographically associated with caudate activation. Exp Brain Res, 212(4):593-601.

Onoda K, Kuroda Y, Yamamoto Y, Abe S, Oguro H, Nagai A, Bokura H, Yamaguchi S. (2011) Post-stroke apathy and hypoperfusion in basal ganglia: SPECT study. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 31, 6-11.

Onoda K, Abe S, Yamaguchi S (2010) Feedback-related negativity is correlated with unplanned impulsivity. Neuroreport, 21, 736-739.

Onoda, K., Okamoto, Y., Nakashima, K., Nittono, H., Yoshimura, S., Yamawaki, S., Yamaguchi, S., Ura, M. (2010). Does low self-esteem enhance social pain? The relationship between trait self-esteem and anterior cingulate cortex activation induced by ostracism. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 5, 385-391.

Onoda, K., Okamoto, Y., Nakashima, K., Nittono, H., Ura, M., & Yamawaki, S. (2009). Decreased ventral anterior cingulate cortex activity is associated with reduced social pain during emotional support. Soc Neurosci, 4, 443-454.

Onoda, K., Okamoto, Y., & Yamawaki, S. (2009). Neural correlates of associative memory: the effects of negative emotion. Neurosci Res, 64, 50-55.

Onoda, K., Okamoto, Y., Toki, S., Ueda, K., Shishida, K., Kinoshita, A., et al. (2008). Anterior cingulate cortex modulates preparatory activation during certain anticipation of negative picture. Neuropsychologia, 46, 102-110.

Onoda, K., Okamoto, Y., Shishida, K., Hashizume, A., Ueda, K., Yamashita, H., et al. (2007). Anticipation of affective images and event-related desynchronization (ERD) of alpha activity: an MEG study. Brain Res, 1151, 134-141.

Onoda, K., Okamoto, Y., Shishida, K., Hashizume, A., Ueda, K., Kinoshita, A., et al. (2006). Anticipation of affective image modulates visual evoked magnetic fields (VEF). Exp Brain Res, 175, 536-543.

Onoda, K., & Sakata, S. (2006). An ERP study of temporal discrimination in rats. Behav Processes, 71, 235-240.

Onoda, K., Suzuki, S., Nittono, H., Sakata, S., & Hori, T. (2004). LORETA analysis of CNV in time perception. International Congress Series, 1270, 291-294.

Onoda, K., Takahashi, E., & Sakata, S. (2003). Event-related potentials in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum during a temporal discrimination task in rats. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res, 17, 380-387.

Papers (co-author)

Okada G, Okamoto Y, Kunisato Y, Aoyama S, Nishimaya Y, Yoshimura S, Onoda K, Toki S, Yamashita H, Yamawaki S. (2011) The effect of negative and positive emotionality on associative memory: an FMRI study. PLoS One, 6(9), e24862.

Kunisato, Y., Okamoto, Y., Okada, G., Aoyama, S., Nishiyama, Y., Onoda, K., & Yamawaki, S. (2011). Personality traits and the amplitude of spontaneous low-frequency oscillations during resting state. Neurosci Lett, 492, 109-113.

Kunisato Y, Okamoto Y, Okada G, Aoyama S, Demoto Y, Munakata A, Nomura M, Onoda K, Yamawaki S. (2011). Modulation of default-mode network activity by acute tryptophan depletion is associated with mood change: a resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res 69: 129-134.

Yanagisawa, K., Masui, K., Onoda, K., Furutani, K., Nomura, M., Yoshida, H., & Ura, M. (2011). The effects of the behavioral inhibition and activation systems on social inclusion and exclusion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 502-505.

Hattori, M., Onoda, K., & Sakata, S. (2010). Identification of rat P3-like processes in the anterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus. Neurosci Lett, 472, 43-46.

Miyake, Y., Okamoto, Y., Onoda, K., Kurosaki, M., Shirao, N., & Yamawaki, S. (2010). Brain activation during the perception of distorted body images in eating disorders. Psychiatry Res, 181, 183-192.

Miyake, Y., Okamoto, Y., Onoda, K., Shirao, N., Otagaki, Y., & Yamawaki, S. (2010). Neural processing of negative word stimuli concerning body image in patients with eating disorders: an fMRI study. Neuroimage, 50, 1333-1339.

Yoshimura, S., Okamoto, Y., Onoda, K., Matsunaga, M., Ueda, K., Suzuki, S., et al. (2010). Rostral anterior cingulate cortex activity mediates the relationship between the depressive symptoms and the medial prefrontal cortex activity. J Affect Disord, 122, 76-85.

Yoshino, A., Okamoto, Y., Onoda, K., Yoshimura, S., Kunisato, Y., Demoto, Y., et al. (2010). Sadness enhances the experience of pain via neural activation in the anterior cingulate cortex and amygdala: an fMRI study. Neuroimage, 50, 1194-1201.

Miyake, Y., Okamoto, Y., Onoda, K., Shirao, N., Mantani, T., & Yamawaki, S. (2009). Neural correlates of alexithymia in response to emotional stimuli: a study of anorexia nervosa patients. Hiroshima J Med Sci, 58, 1-8.

Yoshimura, S., Ueda, K., Suzuki, S., Onoda, K., Okamoto, Y., & Yamawaki, S. (2009). Self-referential processing of negative stimuli within the ventral anterior cingulate gyrus and right amygdala. Brain Cogn, 69, 218-225.

Shishida, K., Hashizume, A., Onoda, K., Okamoto, Y., & Yamawaki, S. (2006). Enhanced reactivity and delayed recovery of sensorimotor cortex in the novelty seeking personality. Neuropsychobiology, 54, 215-225.

邦文(first author)

小野田慶一・安部哲史・山口修平 in press フィードバック陰性電位研究の進歩. 臨床神経生理学,

小野田慶一 (2010) なぜ心が痛いのか-社会神経科学における排斥研究の現状-. 生理心理学と精神生理学, 28(1), 29-44.

小野田慶一, 岡本泰昌, 国里愛彦, 岡田剛, & 山脇成人 (2009). 遅延報酬選択における衝動性と抑うつ傾向. 脳と精神の医学, 20(3), 249-254.

小野田慶一, 岡本泰昌, 国里愛彦, 岡田剛, & 山脇成人 (2009). 将来予期の神経メカニズムとうつ病に関する脳機能画像研究. 神経内科, 71(2), 105-111.

小野田慶一・岡本泰昌・国里愛彦・山脇成人 (2008). 情動予期の神経基盤に関するfMRI研究 生理心理学と精神生理学, 26(3), 229-235.

小野田慶一・岡本泰昌 (2008). ストレス制御に関する認知神経科学的研究 ストレス科学, 23(3), 193-200.

小野田慶一 (2004) 時間知覚の神経生理学的基盤, 行動科学 43, 79-88.

小野田慶一・坂田省吾 (2003) 海馬θ波を用いた時間知覚における海馬機能の検討 行動科学 42, 115-120.

小野田慶一・坂田省吾 (2002) ラットの時間知覚における海馬情報処理過程の検討 生理心理学と精神生理学 20, 225-232.


小黒浩明・小野田慶一・小林祥泰・山口修平 (2010) アルツハイマー病のアパシーに対する塩酸ドネペジルの効果 日本老年医学会雑誌, 47(5), 481-482.

松浦晃宏・小黒浩明・小野田慶一・山口修平 (2010) 反復経頭蓋磁気刺激による運動関連皮質興奮性変化-運動関連電位による検討- 臨床神経生理学, 38(1), 16-23.

服部稔・崎本裕也・小野田慶一・坂田省吾 (2010) 前部帯状皮質におけるラットP3-like成分の検討 行動科学, 48(2), 103-114.

入戸野宏・小野田慶一 (2008) 事象関連電位の波形に及ぼすフィルタの効果 生理心理学と精神生理学, 26(3), 237-246,

岡本泰昌・小野田慶一・三宅典恵・吉村晋平・吉野敦・黒崎充勇・世木田幹・岡田剛・山下英尚・山脇成人 (2008) ストレス適応の神経生理学的基盤 日本薬理学雑誌, 131(1), 5-10.

岡本泰昌・木下亜紀子・吉村晋平・小野田慶一・松永美希・志々田一宏・上田一貴・鈴木伸一・山脇成人 (2007) うつ病の認知に関する神経基盤 日本心身医学, 47(8), 705-712.

岡本泰昌・木下亜紀子・小野田慶一・吉村晋平・松永美希・高見浩・山下英尚・上田一貴・鈴木伸一・山脇成人 (2007) うつ病の認知に関する脳機能局在. 基礎心理学研究 25(2), 237-243.